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7/14/2024 3:21 pm  #317071

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( TRUE story = )) this happen last night in my Yard = around 7:30 Pm I heard someone SHOUTING = But your HANDS UP = Walk Toward Me Slowly = Stop = Empty your pockets = i look out my window = I WAS VERY SURPRISE what i Saw = TWO CITY POLICES with GUNS IN THERE HANDS = Talking to TALK SKINNY man with SPIDERMAN HOOD on all over his  face wearing Black clothes n  his body = The POLICE STILL SHOUTING AT HIM = SHOUTING WHERE IS YOUR GUN = Spiderman answer back very quickly = i don't have gun = The Police yes you do = Empty your POCKETS = The Spiderman empty More Things in his Pocket = Spiderman did have a Gun = Police Man shouted DROP YOUR GUN ON GROUND =  (( THIS GUN is a TOY PASTIC GUN to light your Cigarettes with = i alway see him playing with his plastic gun )) he always  have toys on him = { I ALWAYS TOLD HIM SOME PEOPLE WILL THINK YOU  HAVE REAL GUN ON YOU - YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE BY KEEPING THIS GUN ON YOU }} REMOVE THE SPIDERMAN HOOD RIGHT NOW = THE SPIDERMAN DID MOVE HIS SPIDERMAN HOOD OFF HIS HEAD AND FACE = I was again surprise I KNOW THIS MAN = Everyone Knows this Man and THE Police KNOW this man = This man live on THE STREET in This CITY for many many years = This Man has Mental illness cause by Street Drugs = This Man started to take street drugs when he was 13 years old = this man is NOT HARMFUL = BUT NUTS = He always wear weird clothes and weird hats and weird wags = lots of cheap jewelry = on his body and arms = why the city police was chasing him into my yard = the polices arrested and took him away very quickly = this happen in between 30 minutes after supper time = next day i went out to throw away my garbage at the black of my yard in my garbage can = i notice my gate was broke = the police broke of gate and lock = i had to get someone to repair my gate = this cost me money = why did the police damage my gate = why did the police arrested this mental ill person = this is person will not hurt no one = his just = nuts = I  always talk to himself when i see him on the streets = when you talk to him = he make no sense = i still talk to him when i meet him on the street or he would come and ask me for coffee at my place = i would gave him coffee and sweets with the coffee = ( he just like DONALD ( duck ) Trump = Make NO SENSE = Donald ( duck ) Trump keep on TALKING = and AMERICAN PEOPLE STILL LISTEN TO HIM = TREAT HIM LIKE A GOD = HOW STUPID AMERICAN PEOPLE are and Still PUTTING OLD SENIOR IN AS PRESIDENT in THE WHITE HOUSE = when every countries have YOUNG LEADERS = RUSSIA has YOUNGER LEADER = EVEN CHINA HAS younger LEADER = ENGLAND has YOUNGER leader = FRANCE HAS younger Leaders = EVERY COUNTRIES FIND YOUNGER LEADER = BUT = USA can NOT find YOUNGER LEADERS = AMERICAN PEOPLE PICK THEIR PRESIDENTS FROM SENIOR HOMES = ((( something to THINK ABOUT THIS ELECTION IN NOV 2024 ))) by joe _skies (( WHO DO TRUST ))

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/14/2024 4:38 pm)


7/14/2024 3:34 pm  #317072

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

{{{ SHOOTING = donald ( DUCK ) trump is WRONG ))) BY SHOOTING = donald ( DUCK ) trump = you make him a HERO = ILLUSTRIOUS WARRIOR = GIVEN HIM NOBLE and  VENERATION OF A HERO (( WHY MAKE HIM LIKE THIS )) DO YOU WANT STATUES OF HIM = A HOLIDAY TO REMEMBER THE DAY  = HE IS CRAZY = he is DANAGEROUS  PERSON = ( ANOTHER HITLER ) WHO WILL DESTROY AMERICA = by = joes_skies ( he to old ) think young when you VOTE THIS TIME IN USA in Nov 2024 = who do  you TRUST = {{ GOOD WAY TO HURTING donald ( DUCK ) trump by voting him out = in NOV 2024 = }} don't MAKE HIM THE PRESIDENT for USA in NOV 2024 (( How come his SHOES was off his feet went donald ( DUCK ) trump was shot in the ear ? ))

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/15/2024 12:43 am)

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7/14/2024 3:43 pm  #317073

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

((( MOVIES on youtube ))) These movies are good = Santa Fe Passage western movie youtube .com = Smoky Smoky western youtube .com = Black Magic mystery movie youtube .com =The CaseSouls at the Sera mystery movie =  The Missing Heiress mystery movie =  Line Up mystry movie = The Spider mystery movie = The Anmials western youtube .com = High Gear mystery movie youtube .com = Rodin Hood - Prince of Thieves movie youtube .com = Going To Town by Mae West western movie youtube .com = The Littlest Outlaw western youtube .com = Unknown Country western youtube .com = My God Forgive You , But I Won't western youtube .com = City Of Bad Men western = The Man From LaranieFhk western youtube .com = The For Horozom western = Sabath The Killer western movie youtube .com =  star In The dust western = The devil Made Me Do This Western = Bandolero - dean mardin - western movie youtube .com = the white , the yellow , and the black western - funny movie  youtube .com = tarzan find a son movie youtube = ( 5 parts ) very good movie to watch = one agains't all western youtube .com = if you want to live western =  Nero Wolfe movies youtube .com  = Cheyenne take over western movie youtube .com = Lone Rider Ride Again  western = California western = Desperado western movie =  Strawberry roam western = Aquasanta Joe western = Sitting Pretty comedy youtube .com = trade wind mystery ( GOOD NEWS WEBSITES TO WATCH IS - Vantage take of world news today  [[ i like this one ]] = by joes_skies  ( Asia report news today youtube .com ) or France update news today youtube .com ) or ( china today report news youtube .com )

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (10/03/2024 10:46 am)

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7/15/2024 5:06 pm  #317074

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( The NEWS Reporters are SAYING )) THE SHOOTING donald ( DUCK ) trump will make him stronger in the voting for next President ELECTION in nov.2024  = because donald ( DUCK ) trump SURVIVAL  the shooting = news are SAYING on TV = Computer = NEWSPAPERS  .(( I don't BELIEVE THIS donald ( DUCK ) trump created this MASS = CREATED THIS HATE = CREATED THIS TERRIBLE FEELING ALL ACROSS USA with his BIG MOUTH = Donald (DUCK ) trump brought hate TOWARDS ALL =hate towards  IMMIGRANTS = coming to usa = Hate to trade countries = American are trading with = Donald ( DUCK ) Trump brought HATE towards the TRADE COUNTRIES all the world =  RACISM increased with donald (DUCK ) trump = douald ( DUCK ) trump if he think this well make HIM GET MORE VOTES = he live in a DREAM WORLD = donald ( DUCK ) trump is A liar = he is criminal = he has racism ideals = ((( remember this People Try to killed HITLER many time before the war was over = And Hitler Survival each attack on him = but people still hated him = )) NOT EVERYONE = LIKE = donald ( DUCK ) trump in usa = i work with people = people who never LIKE donald ( DUCK ) trump still HATE HIM = (( only GOOD NEWS is - this will take THE HEAT OFF JOE BIDEN = )) = [[[ remember this ]]] everyday someone get MURDER in usa = SCHOOL Attack  by Someone = CHURCHES are ATTACKED by someone = BUSINESS get shot at = NO ONE GAVE A DIME about these PEOPLE = but WHEN X- PRESIDENT = OR PRESIDENT or FAMOUS PEOPLE GET SHOT = THE NEWS ALL ACROSS USA = ARE CRYING WOLF = Something as be done about this violence in USA = but NOTHING IS DONE = ALL TALK = ALL BARK = and CRYING = nothing CHANGES in USA = ((( People LIKE RON REAGAN )) ron reagan did NOT talk about HATE = ron reagan did not run down IMMIGRANTS coming to usa = ron reagan did not close TRADE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES = ron reagan did not run down other religious groups in usa or new religious groups coming to usa = ron reagan did not  go to court for criminal acts like donald ( DUCK ) trump did =  ron reagan did not have girl friends after he got married to nancy reagan like not like donald ( DUCK ) trump DID = ((  don't compare ron reagan to donald ( DUCK ) trump = THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE = )) NEWS REPORTERS  ARE SICK = TIME WILL SHOW WHO RIGHT IS ABOUT THIS IN NOV 2024 FOR  the PRESIDENT JOB in usa = [[[[ WHO DO YOU REALY TRUST ]]]] by = joes_skies (( THE SHOOTING DID NOT CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT DONALD (duck ) TRUMP )) i still don't LIKE HIM = donald ( DUCK ) trump can get shot 10 more time i still don't LIKE Donald (DUCK ) trump = He is BIG MOUTH = TALK ABOUT NOTHING = bring more HATE and BRING RACISM STRONGER IN USA = donald ( DUCK ) trump is  trouble maker  = BIG BULLY =  kkk party would like him for there  leader or nazi party would like him for there leader too = (( ANYONE = regular men would do the same thing if they got SHOT = get mad = and swear = and swing arms and fist in the air do you think they would CRY = i know my father  would get mad and swear = shake his fist in the air if he got shot )) maybe a women would cry ( criminal who get shot get mad and swear and swing their arms up the air  and shake the fist in the air ) === [[[[ donald ( DUCK ) trump still ASS HOLE ]]]

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/16/2024 1:45 am)

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7/16/2024 9:29 pm  #317075

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( 8 Shots was fired )at donald (DUCK ) trump this week 15 july 2024 ) 8 shots was fired at Donald ( DUCK ) Trump = donald (DUCK ) trump was scatch on his right ear only = 3 got shot = there was 8 bullets went off = so where did the 4 bullets went to = lots people was standing behind donald ( DUCK ) trump why more people didn't  get hurt ?  {{ donald ( DUCK) trump bend down very quickly and concealed himself behind the speecher stand on the platform = the body guides came and stood  all around donald ( DUCK ) trump very quickly = hidden him with their bodies to protecting donald(DUCK ) trump =  donald ( DUCK ) trump was very scared = look at his FACE EXPRESSION = but when donald ( DUCK ) trump found out SNIPER =( hit man ) = was DEAD = donald ( DUCK ) trump came up between the body guards with his arms and swinging his FIST to the sky shouting = how he was BRAVE MAN when he found out sniper ( hit man ) was DEAD = donald ( DUCK ) trump put his on a good strong act like american hero = but before this donald ( DUCK ) trump was very scared  ( just look at clips went he got shot = look at HIS FACE EXPRESSION = but when  donald ( DUCK ) trump found out THE SNIPER ( hit MAN ) was dead = donald ( DUCK ) trump quickly stand up between the body guards swinging his arms and swinging fist into sky and shouting = making him HERO american like a movie actor = his SHOES came off HIS FEET = why ? did donald ( DUCK ) trump jump out off his shoes when he heard the SHOOTING = donald ( DUCK ) trump when very fast and concealed himself behind the speech box on the platform = donald ( DUCK ) trump was standing between the body guards swinging his arms and swinging his fist first thing he said was put on my shoes = then was shouting some other words to the american people showing he is super man = will this produce more votes in coming election = i can see this at all american people who don't like him will not change there minds = because donald ( DUCK ) trump = almost got shot = ((( it did change my mind at all about donald (DUCK ) trump = i never did like him = i do believe donald (DUCK ) trump cause this hate in usa = with his BIG MOUTH = this HATE is growing stronger each day towards IMMIGRANTS = MEXICAN people and other Color People in usa = and donald ( DUCK ) trump trying  to close the friendship between  DIFFERENT COUNTRIES with his BIG MOUTH = closing the friendship with usa  {{{ WE will see at NOV 2024 }}} old saying (  WHO DO - YOU -TRUST FOR THE PRESIDENT job ) by = joes_skies   (( They have more different religion in usa = ONLY TWO Parties running in AMERICAN ELECTION why / can they have more DIFFERENT PARTIES running for the PRESIDENT JOB IN USA = every country has three or four different parties running for  prime minister job or president job = ONLY COUNTRY idon't have s russia  = china = vietnam = some asia = and some african countries has one government ( USA is not that must different only two parties running = USA is so backward make sick why election take so long NO OTHER COUNTRIES DO THIS = AMERICAN PEOPLE are so stupid = they never change = Don't want gun control = they want short election = they want more parties run for the president job in usa = but they want more different religion groups and churches = american think they are very religious people = they are worst  religion people on earth = american are more hypocritical people on earth = they are phony = they think they are better then anyone on earth = they think everyone like them = bs = they talk big just like donald ( DUCK ) trump all mouth = ( i would never go to USA ) or ENGLAND = tradition is strong = they live in the past like england = they use religion to hid there dirty work = it works = we all know about american people = we go there to visit because weather in nice and landscape is great = no one like the american people = we just go there = they stay with own kind and group = when people go to usa for holidays = this true = {{ We lucky are lucky donald ( DUCK ) trump bullet scatch his ear = his shoes can off only = JUST THINK IF donald ( DUCK ) trump got shot the head his PANTS WOULD COME OFF = }}

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/18/2024 6:34 pm)

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7/18/2024 7:06 pm  #317076

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

((( MEN and CHURCHES and RELIGION  ))) Men and CHURHES and RELIGION still TELL WOMEN WHAT DO = never change in this CENTURY = WOMEN STILL LET MEN and CHURCHES and RELIGION run there live each day and night = TELLING  WOMEN  WHAT THEY CAN DO and what THEY CAN NOT DO EACH DAY and NIGHT = (( THE WOMEN CREATED THIS MASS for themselves  = WOMEN GET ON VOTING = WRONG PARTY = in for the government where they are living in = ((( and WOMEN STILL SUPPORT THE RELIGION groups and churches = RELIGION put THE WOMEN  as SLAVES and SEX TOYS workers and BABY factory - plus HOME care for MEN = with cheap labour and cheap money = ( WOMEN ARE DUMP to let this go on so long ) and it still going on each day and night = {{{ when = hell = will WOMEN WAKE UP = by - joes_skies {{{ WOMEN THINK THERE ARE SO SMART = they are still SLAVES FOR MEN in this century = nothing change FOR THEM = )) they OWN DOING voting the wrong party in = {{{ WOMEN Still LET CHURCHES and RELIGION and MEN to CONTROL THEIR BODY and Cheap LABOUR }}} how DUMP ARE THE WOMEN  in this CENTURY = men NEED THEM = because MEN ARE LAZY = by = joes_skies

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/20/2024 9:45 am)

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7/18/2024 7:17 pm  #317077

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( canadian hockey  TEAMS WIll never win )) the canadian hockey teams in CANADA = WILL = NEVER = WIN THE = stanley cup IN USA = only way they can win if they BUY THE winning with money = or GO BACK TO CANADA = AND CREATED CANADIAN HOCKEY ONLY IN CANADA = PLAYING EACH PROVINCE HOCKEY TEAM = ( top hockey teams win AT THE end of YEAR = after you can

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7/19/2024 6:50 pm  #317078

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( donald ( DUCK ) trump )) when donald ( DUCK ) trump got shot and scatch his big ear = NOW donald ( DUCK ) trump think he is GOD ALMIGHTLY on earth = Donald ( DUCK ) trump after his ear was scatch from a bullets = HE SAID - if he get in as next PRESIDENT in usa    = he would END THE UKRAINE  WAR with RUSSIA in 24 HOURS = this week donald  DUCK ) trump said this in this week on HIS INTERVIEW NEWS SHOW  =  WOW = his BRAIN MUST IN HIS EARS = (( JUST THINK IF donald ( DUCK ) trump was shot and Scatch BOTH BIG EARS = donald ( DUCK ) trump could walk on water and fly in the sky anywhere = he CAN go  ANYWHERE = AND DO MIRACLES = american people thought joe biden brain was not working right = do you think donald ( DUCK ) trump brain working RIGHT = is AMERICAN PEOPLE BRIAN IS WORKING RIGHT = there only COUNTRY PUT OLD SENIOR PEOPLE IN THE PRESIDENT JOB in the white house = when they  have 332 -1/2 million people to pick from to run for biggest job and most important job in USA =  american people must  BE very SICK  in head = BECAUSE THEY don't drink enough TEA = OR EAT ENOUGH RICE = KEEP ON TALKING  donald ( DUCK ) trump = joe biden keep on looking BETTER EACH DAY and SMARTER = only JOE BIDEN has trouble remember NAMES = donald ( DUCK ) trump  can not CONTROL HIS BIG MOUTH and CONTROL MAD BRAIN  = he believe - HE IS GOD ALMIGHTLY on earth = some american people think this to = i think donald ( DUCK ) trump IS AS HOLE = HE VERY DANAGEROUS  = HE IS CRIMINAL- went to court for criminal acts  = donald ( DUCK ) trump pay women off for romance after he got married = he lie and lie = HE BELIEVE - HE IS UNTOUCHABLE = BULLET PROVE HE IS WRONG = donald ( DUCK ) trump went bankruptcy 10 times = ( HE IS HUMAN WITH A DUCK BRAIN = DUCK MAKE LOTS NOISE = donald ( DUCK ) trump is VERY NOISY (( REMEMBER  this if he can end ukraine war with russia in 24 hours = i like how many hours to end Israel with Palestine war ?  donald ( DUCK ) trump will cause trade war with every country = donald ( DUCK ) trump will make low income people and welfare people and street people to suffer MORE if he get in the white house as the next president for USA =  by = joes_skies  ( keep on VOTING SENIOR PEOPLE in - They need to work to )= ( remember this ROMAN CATHOLIC keep putting old senior men  in for there Pope ) +++ {{ IF YOU HAVE VOTE A SENIOR in for the president job - joe biden - is much better to have = than donald (DUCK ) trump =}}} joe biden never went bankruptcy or pay women off for romance after he got married = joe biden never was charge go  to COURT for criminal act = donald ( DUCK ) trump goes to court every month for criminal act = this is american HERO = ((( UPDATE = joe biden resign = he gave the leader of the party Vise President Karmala Harris = NOW = will the american PEOPLE vote for HER = Would American Women votes go to her = will donald ( DUCK ) trump rip or tear her APART with his DIRTY BIG MOUTH IN PLATFORMS AND INTERVIEWS AND TALK SHOWS =  will the PRESS and REPORT = HELP = donald ( DUCK ) trump ? The PRESS and THE REPORT DESTROYED = JOE BIDEN LAST MONTH and THIS MONTH in july 2024 = THE VISE PRESIDENT = Karmala Harris has be VERY STRONG = quick to FIGHT BACK = SHE CAN NOT MAKE NO MISTAKE = if SHE DID = SHE WILL LOSE TO donald ( DUCK ) trump in Nov 2024 for the PRESIDENT JOB =one question are AMERICAN PEOPLE READY FOR A (( WOMAN PRESIDENT ? )) will the AMERICAN WOMEN VOTE FOR HER = WILL THE OLD MALES and 40 - 50 - 60 and senior OLD MEN and Senior WOMEN VOTE FOR HER = will THE HUGE BUSINESS and SMALL BUSINESS VOTE FOR HER IN NOV 2024 FOR THE PRESIDENT JOB = ( every COUNTRIES is less WORRY now = EUROPE and ASIA are less WORRY  NOW = IMMIGRANT ARE LESS WORRY NOW = TRADE WAR will not BE = we just have wait and see IF THE VISE PRESIDENT - KARMALA HARRIS is STRONG LEADER = QUICK  {{ The President Job = donald ( DUCK ) trump ruin and destroyed MRS . CLINTON  }}  = He will try to do the SAME WITH Vise President - Kamala Harris - wait and SEE = i hope Vise President - kamalla  Harris is ready for THIS or NOT SHE IS IN BIG TROUBLE {{{ ONE QUESTION I LIKE TO KNOW how much MONEY did Joe Biden received to quit and resign as = LEADERSHIP of the party ? }} i believe JOE BIDEN PLAYED the game to get money from the party to LEAVE = because mistake Joe Biden  made LOOK PHONY TO ME = joe biden is smiling all the time now ( why ) before he look very mad and sad = before joe biden walk off the airplane stairs = he look like he going to fall down = he walk like a puppet before = now joe biden walks fast down and head is high and straight and smiling on airplane stairs coming down = and smiling = joe biden got what he wanted = how much money did joe biden  got  to resign from the leader of the party = by = joes_skies = something to think about = why so much change with joe biden health now  {{ donald ( DUCK ) trump will ask to have ANOTHER DEBATE on TV with the Vise President - kamala Harris = I WISH SHE WOULD SAY = NO = who care what PRESS and REPORTERS and NEWS STATIONS going say about = DON'T DEBATE donald ( DUCK ) trump he will TRY TO DESTROY YOU And TEAR YOU APART with his DIRTY BIG MOUTH = think wise Vise President - Kamala Harris = say NO DEBATE =Vise - President - kamala Harris going have NO HELP from THE PRESS or REPORTER or TV SHOWS = Vise - President - Kamala Harris = has STAND ON HER TO FEET and WORK HARD = NO MISTAKES = SHE NEEDS ALL MEMBERS IN THE PARTY SUPPORT HER and to win this ELECTION in NOV - 2024 for the president job USA = she can not go for LOOK = donald ( DUCK ) trump will try HARD TO DESTROY HER and TEAR HER APART PIECE BY PIECE = Vise - President Kamal Harris has fight HARD and DIRTY to win = {{{ CAN SHE DO THIS - NO - }}} it a game WITH HER = I'm Woman = I'm HOT = this is NOT WINNING  BEAUTY CONTEST =THIS IS POWERFUL JOB and important JOB = by = joes_skies  {{ donald ( DUCK ) trump expression in HIS FACE = looks like he is going MAD or crazy or something isn't working right in his head = donald ( DUCK ) trump has terrible and horrible EXPRESSION in face when standing and waiting  or when his given a SPEECH ( why ? ) ((( HE is going BE YOUR PRESIDENT in Nov.2024 in USA )))) {{ right now USA is very bad shape = no jobs = factories closing = business not hiring People = walls investments is going down down }}} bad news aug 2024 all bad {{ IF UKRAINE START to use long range Weapons on RUSSIA = RUSSIA WILL BLOW THE WHOLE UKRAINE TO PIECES = THIS MIGHT  create = the third world war = will usa vote a woman in for the president in nov 2024 = when people know the UKRAINE war will CREATE THE WORLD WAR THREE = If RUSSIA DESTROY = UKRAINE = this war will be DIFFERENT RUSSIA HAS FREINDS TO BACK RUSSIA = Germany ( Hitler War ) had NO FRIENDS to back HITLER WAR = Only THE GERMAN PEOPLE = THIS TIME RUSSIA as Pakistan = Palestine = Vietnam = North Korea = CHINA = LEBANON = IRAN = IRAQ = LIBYA = TURKEY  = EGYPT = SUDAN = SYRIA = SOME AFRICAN COUNTRIES =  maybe CUBA = This WORLD WAR THREE will be DIFFERENT will USA vote a WOMAN IN FOR THE PRESIDENT in NOV 2024 = WHEN UKRAINE war with RUSSIA get WORSE EACH DAY = RUSSIA will NOT PLAY CAT and MOUSE with UKRAINE if THEY USE LONG RANGE WEAPONS ON RUSSIA = UKRAINE will be  HUGE PIZZA in SECONDS = American People better think before THEY PUT A WOMAN IN for the next PRESIDENT = AMERICA NEED A STRONG PERSON IN POWER to run USA now = Before THE UKRAINE WAR increase into THE THIRD WORLD WAR = by = joes_skies {{ DO YOU THINK = RUSSIA = WOULD LET = UKRAINE TO BLOW TO PIECES = RUSSIA WILL FIGHT BACK HEAVY = ( USA is SICK and OTHER COUNTRIES are SICK = IF THEY THINK = RUSSIA = will LET = LITTLE COUNTRY LIKE = UKRAINE = TO DESTROY = RUSSIA = Better THINK TWICE = This will come OUT A BIG BIG MASS = before it ENDS = We all will PAY FOR IT = by = Joes_skies

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (9/15/2024 6:05 pm)

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7/20/2024 4:13 pm  #317079

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

((( WILL C.P.R keep on paying ))) Moose Jaw , Saskatchewan has real OLD BRIDGE HAS BE REPAIR EVERY MONTH ON THE SURFACE OF THE BRIDGE = THEY ALWAYS DO POOR WORK ON THE BRIDGE SURFACE = LAST WEEK IN JULY 2024 = THEY CLOSED THE BRIGE FOR TWO WEEKS = THEY SAID = C.P.R = WILL PAY HALF THE COST TO DO THE WORK AND THE  CITY WILL PAY THE OTHER HALF TO REPAIR THE OLD BRIDGE = ( QUESTION IS ) WILL = C.P.R KEEP ON PAYING HALF COST TO REPAIR THE OLD BRIDGE  FOR THE CITY OF MOOSE JAW , SASKATCHEWAN ? =( PEOPLE SHOULD ASK THE CITY MAYOR ABOUT THIS = IS IT ONE TIME ONLY FROM C.P.R ? ( THE REPAIR WORK THEY ARE DOING ON THE OLD BRIDGE THIS MONTH IS GOING LAST LONG TIME OR DO THE CITY HAVE TO REPAIR IT AGAIN BEFORE FALL AND WINTER COMES THIS YEAR ? will C.P.R going HELP to REPAIR it again and again ?  BY =  joes_skies (( OLD BRIDGE is falling down )) = {{{ THIS how moose jaw ,saskatchewan repair 4TH AVE BRIDGE = close your eyes AND PICTURE THIS = they put TWO 25 Inches wide  Trips long as the bridge = they did not remove big crack across the bridge ===== { these strips are wide as a car wheels on each side of a car or a truck  = so the TRICK IS YOU HAVE FOLLOW TWO BLACK STRIPS when you travel on the 4TH ave Bridge in Moose Jaw , Saskatchewan = it mean me of the movie FOLLOW YELLOW BRICK ROAD = if your truck or car wheels are to wide = you will travel on the old crack up OLD black top  Surface  of the bridge =VERY  BUMPING OLD BLACK TOP SURFACE =REMEMER THIS =  to get a smooth RIDE YOU HAVE STAY ON TWO BLACK STRIPS on the 4th ave bridge = ((( what would you do in winter time WHEN YOU CAN NOT SEE TWO SMOOTH STRIPS On the 4th ave bridge = {{ think about this }} how long will it take the old black top surface start to break down = because people are missing the TWO BLACK TOP STRIPS SURFACE on the 4th ave bridge in moose jaw , saskatchewan {{{ will CPR going to HELP to REPAIR the 4th ave bridge again in moose jaw , saskatchewan = every month because moose jaw ,saskatchewan doing CHEAP REPAIR JOB on the 4th ave bridge all the time =  by = joes_skies (( something to think about )) keep your eyes open when you travel on 4th ave bridge in moose jaw , saskatchewan = because if don't you will miss the two black top strips to travel on = when you go across the 4th ave bridge in moose jaw , saskatchewan )) don't bring a NEW CAR or TRUCK with you = if do you have to repair them when you get home =  THE ROADS and BRIDGERS are TERRIBLE in this city and there side walks are terrible to = you have to walk very carefull or you will trip and fall down = it happen to me =  i got hurt really bad =

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/28/2024 11:07 am)

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7/22/2024 1:19 pm  #317080

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( TRUE Story = Killing a Bug = )) Last week around 9:00pm = i playing on my table top computer = when i notice a bug on my ceiling = i went  to cabinet and get bug spray = i pull the kitchen chair out more from my kitchen table  = for me climb on the kitchen chair to spray the bug = i forgot i was bare feet when i place my bare foot on the edge of wooden kitchen chair - i wearing those sweat pants = which you have to tie up tight = it let lose and my sweat pants spil quickly down my knee = making me fall and tumble  back wards off the wooden kitchen chair = i fall very hard on the kitchen floor = i was very sore = right leg was sore  and right hip was very sore = lower back was sore = my neck was sore = i try to get up = it was very hard to get up  = i could not stand up on my right leg was to sore = my right hip was sore = i try to pull up my sweat pants up = it was down on my knees = i was hard to do when you are sitting on the kitchen floor = two wooden kitchen chair was laying on it back = wooden kitchen chair was not broken = i was lucky i didn't hit my kitchen cabinet = i would broke my neck or head = slowly i got up = very painful = i pick up the two kitchen chairs = place then next to my kitchen table = it was hard time to walk or stand up straight  = i when to the bedroom = to get pain lotion to rub all over my right sore leg and on my right hip and lower back  = boy i had lots of pain = after i went back to my computer = and i notice the bug got away = i almost kill myself to kill a bug = by = joes_skies (( I'm still SORE ))

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (9/15/2024 6:01 pm)

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