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7/24/2024 9:12 am  #317081

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!


Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/24/2024 10:39 am)


7/24/2024 6:21 pm  #317082

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( Kamala Harris has look TOUGH AND STRONG )) KAMAlA HARRIS has change how she stand when she speech = she has Stop swinging her hands and arms around like fashion girl or a sale clerk in a store = she has stop smiling all the time went she talks = so far she does not LOOK like A LEADER OR   A PRESIDENT job  = KAMALA HARRIS look like she running  for a contest for the queen of miss amerca 2024 = (( TO GET ALL THE MEN VOTES and ALL SENIOR VOTES she has STOP SWINGING HER HANDS and ARMS around = SHE HAS STOP SMILING ALL THE TIMES = {{{ KAMALA HARRIS has TO look STRONG and TOUGH = SO FAR SHE LOOK VERY WEAK and ALL WOMAN = NOT A STRONG and TOUGH LEADER or a PRESIDENT LOOK = SHE BETTER CHANGE VERY QUICKLY or SHE WILL LOSE THE ELECTION IN NOV 2024 for the president job for USA =  (( RIGHT NOW  I WOULD NOT VOTE FOR HER = because KAMALA HARRIS SWING HER HANDS and ARMS TO MUCH WENT SHE TALKS and SHE SMILE TO DAM MUCH WHEN SHE TALKS = i don't like her style = she don't  look like a PRESIDENT = IF SHE DON'T CHANGE HER WHYS  = she will lose  = by = joes_skies {{ you think the party would say something to her = she has  look tough and strong = not a fashion woman or a model woman  } look like at leader or a manger of a business = LOOK TOUGH  = WALK  STRONG  = WEAR  DIFFERENT STYLE CLOTHES = WEAR CLOTHES LIKE A MANGER OF A BUSINESS OR LIKE A LAWYER = don't walk like a model woman or fashion woman = stop this quickly }}} YOU WILL LOSE {{ IF I WAS donald ( DUCK ) trump - BEFORE HE GAVE HIS SPEECH = he should walk ON waving his hands and arms around and smile lots = DON'T SAY NOTHING = THE PEOPLE WOULD CATCH ON QUICKLY AND LAUGH = {{{ donald ( DUCK ) trump when he was the president in  USA for one turn (((( HE HAD NO POWER TO DO AYTHING = the SENATE STOP ALL HIS CRAZY BILLS HE TRY TO PAST = donald ( DUCK ) trump was THE PRESIDENT of USA WITH NO POWER = donald ( DUCK ) trump was just a PUPPET = If donald( DUCK ) trump wins AGAIN = THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN TO HIM = He would A PUPPET PRESIDENT for USA ))) by = joes_skies  {{ THE POLES WAS WRONG IN FRANCE in June 2024 = People like donald ( DUCK ) trump but looks like a STRONG LEADER and STRONG PRESIDENT }} = [[ kamala Harris DON'T act LIKE A STRONG LEADER always SMILING = ALWAYS SWINGING  HER HANDS and ARMS AROUND ARE DIFFERENT DIRECTION = LIKE SHE GOING FLY AWAY = wearing sexy clothes = wearing high heels she = kamala harris think she RUNNING for miss america CONTEST or SHE  act more a woman model for a fashion show contest  = SHE WILL NOT WIN IN NOV 2024 for the president job for usa = shit on the poles = talk is cheap = I DON'T LIKE donald ( DUCK ) trump = but I REALLY DON'T like kamala harris ways how she talk = walks = swing her arms and hands around = and smiling all the time = dressing like a fashion model woman = if she don't change her WAYS = she will LOSE the election in NOV 2024 FOR PRESIDENT JOB = SHE IS NO LEADER = SHE  NO PRESIDENT = WEAK and WITH BIG MOUTH =(( Young teenage shot three people in school in USA = Kamala Harris gave tear dropping Speech She will bring a Bill To have Gun control = They party is in power RIGHT NOW = why didn't THEY Bring a bill This week=  TO CONTROL GUNS IN USA = THE PARTY WAS IN POWER FOR ( FOUR YEARS ) 2000 CHILDREN GOT KILLED with guns = LAST YEAR IN USA = Why The HELL THE PARTY BRING IN A BILL TO CONTROL THE GUNS IN USA = Because KAMALA HARRIS is lying again again = They will never PAST GUN CONTROL in USA = ALL TALK = Lots of Killing = LOTS OF TEARS = but NO GUN CONTROL BILL = USA has most gun Killing in the world (WHY? )

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (9/07/2024 12:23 am)

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7/26/2024 10:13 am  #317083

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( FBI SAID = he was not SHOT )) GO ON YOUTUBE .COM = FBI gave out report week after donald (DUCK ) trump was NOT SHOOT = donald ( DUCK ) trump was NOT SHOT or GOT SCATCH BY A BULLET ON HIS EAR = ((( SO WHAT REAL HAPPEN TO HIS EAR ? why did it START TO BLEED so MUCH ? ))) Did donald ( DUCK ) trump created this SUPERMAN HERO to get VOTES = From BRAIN DEAD AMERICAN PEOPLE who put SENIOR IN PRESIDENT IN FOR THE JOB and MENTAL ILL PEOPLE for THE PRESIDENT JOB in USA and ACTORS in FOR THE PRESIDENT JOB in USA = {{ something about )} by - joes_skies ((( THIS ELECTION will be MAN or WOMAN president of usa = NO POLICY = just MAN PRESIDENT or WOMAN PRESIDENT in nov 2024 = this will be very dirty election in history of USA = MAN against WOMAN = who would be THE BEST PRESIDENT for USA = WHO DO YOU TRUST A MAN or THE WOMAN for THE PRESIDENT JOB for USA in NOV 2024 = time will tell = ))) by = joes_skies  (( if AMERICAN PEOPLE are not THINKING for the FUTURE for USA or LIVE IN THE PAST )) = WOMEN think about this {{{ Kamala HARRIS said less week on her first Speech for running for THE PRESIDENT JOB = She will Gave WOMEN more RIGHTS and ABORTION RIGHT TO CONTROL THERE OWN BODY = THINK = Why can Kamala Harris past A BILL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTALIVESS = RIGHT NOW = THE PARTY is STILL IN POWER = WHY NOT GAVE THE WOMEN OWN RIGHT TO CONTROL THERE BODY and ABORTION RIGHT NOW = why didn't THIS PARTY PAST THE LAW LONG TIME AGO FOR WOMEN RIGHTS = and ABORTION LAW = THE PARTY WAS IN POWER FOUR YEARS = did not past or IMPROVE WOMEN RIGHTS across USA = So why DO THE AMERICAN WOMEN BELIEVE Kamala HARRIS =  NOW ? Kamala HARRIS COULD BRING THIS BILL IN House of Representalives  RIGHT NOW for WOMEN RIGHTS across USA in 2024 before the election is called in nov 2024 - Because kamala Harrris is LYING about this to women = SHE WOULD NOT PAST THE  WOMEN RIGHTS AND ABORTION WHEN SHE GET IN = KAMALA  Harris is LYING = LYIND = IF SHE WANT TO PAST THIS BILL  = she could BRING this BILL FOR WOMEN RIGHT and ABORTION LAW B OT ABORTION RIGHTS FOR WOMEN IN USA = IF HE GET IN =2024 NOV =( BY ) joes_skies {{ think before you make YOUR X in nov 2024 }}

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/31/2024 9:04 pm)

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7/27/2024 10:33 pm  #317084

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( PEOPLE are = STUPID = to Deal with Canadian TIRE )) On thursday this week i went to canadian tire to purchase Dehumidifier = they had ONE kind called NOMA = i paid around 320 dollars  = in cash = went i got home i removed Dehumidifier NOMA from the box = it said you can not use Dehumiifier until 24 hours is over = so next day the 24 hours was over = i pug it end = and set up everything to make Dehumidifier run = this was 9:00am = after  i got ready to go to working  =i went to work = after my work was over the day = i went home = when i got home i went to see if the NOMA Dehumidifier is doing it job = i saw water on the floor = the bucket was full = the water came out from the right side of dehumidifier where you put garden hose on = why was it leaking water = so went on internet = to ask why my dehumidifier is leaking water from right side where you place a garden hose on it = if  you to have the water to run into sewer drain hole in the basement floor = if you not doing this = i read something is wrong with noma dehumidifier = take it back were you purchase it = it should not do this = next day i  took it back to canadian tire = i gave the sale clerk my receipt to return of noma dehumidifier to canadian tire = i told her was wrong with the noma dehumidifier = she said = yes you can return = put will NOT GET YOUT MONEY BACK FROM CANADIAN TIRE = YOU JUST 300 DOLLARS CREDIT = or another noma Dehumidifier = I TOLD HER I DON'T WANT YOUR  CREDIT = i don't want another NOMA DEHUMIDIFIER from you =  I WILL NEVER COME BACK AGAIN AND DEAL CANADIAN TIRE THEY SELLING JUNKY PRODUCES HERE = I LIKE MY MONEY BACK = NO = SALE CLERK SAID = YOU CAN TAKE ANOTHER ONE OR GET CREDIT = I replied back = okay = dO YOU HAVE DIFFERENT NAME OF DEHUMIDIFIER in this store = SALE CLERK SAID = NO = WE HAVE ONLY ONE NAME NOMA = I DON'T want NOMA DEHUMIDIFIER = THEY ARE NO GOOD = I STANDING AND THINKING = WHAT TO DO = I DON'T WANT YOUR CREDIT = I'M not COMING BACK TO CANADIAN TIRE again = I SAID GAVE ME ANOTHER ONE = then = SALE CLERK CALL ANOTHER SALE CLERK IN = AND TOLD THE SALE CLERK TO BRING ANOTHER NOMA  DEHUMIDIFIER  = SALE CLERK WENT AND GOT ME ANOTHER NOMA DELHUMIDIFIER = I TOOK IT = I SAID = I HOPE THIS WILL WORK BETTER = OR ELSE I WILL BRING THIS ONE BACK TO = I WENT HOME = I WILL NOT DEAL WITH = CANADIAN TIRE AGAIN = IT IS TERRIBLE YOU CAN NOT GET YOUR MONEY BACK FROM CANADIAN TIRE = I PAID CASH FOR = I DID NOT USE A PLASTIC CARD TO PURCHASE IT = PEOPLE ARE CRAZY AND STUPID TO DEAL WITH CANADIAN TIRE = YOU CAN NOT GET YOUR MONEY WENT YOU BRING BACK THEIR BROKEN PRODUCES = only thing YOU CAN GET IS ANOTHER with the same NAME PRODUCE OR GET CREDIT = {{ GOOD-BYE CANADIAN TIRE }} by = joes_skies {{ PEOPLE GOT = RIGHTS =  TO GET THEIR MONEY BACK = when they return there Purchase From ANY STORE = mostly ALL THE STORE DO THIS = JUST CANADIAN TIRE = why = THE HELL THEY ARE DOING THIS = i wish people STOP GOING THERE = }} you get your money back on AMAZON and EBAY and TEMU on internet = co-op stores = HOME Depo = Castle Lumber = DRUG STORE if PAY ELECTRIC THINGS or BATTERIES lots of Business gave back your MONEY = when you return your purchase = (( something to think about ))

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (8/03/2024 11:21 am)

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7/28/2024 3:37 pm  #317085

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( MY FRIEND had to repair his ROOF AGAIN on his small business in moose jaw , sask )) this story bring in 2-1/2 years ago = his NEIGHBOR was getting her roof DONE on her apartment next to my friend SMALL BUSINESS BUILDING = this HAPPEN on a MONDAY MORNING in june  2 -1/2 years ago = My Friend HEARD LOUD SOUND = HE when Out from his SMALL BUSINESS TO SEE WHAT CAUSED THIS SOUND = HE saw A OLD RED FORKLIFT TRUCK 1955 0r 1956 lifting 4 package of shingles on this OLD STYLE LIFT = THIS OLD RED FORKLIFT TRUCK had Lots Of Trouble lifting the 4 package OF SHINGES on HIS  BUSINESS FLAT ROOF = this Old Red Forklift Truck was park very close to my friends  small business building = my friend try to shout to them = TO STOP he said to the man running the forklift on the OLD RED TRUCK 1955 0r 1956 = my friend  said = Don't Use MY ROOF = YOU will DANGER my roof = THE MAN WHO WAS RUNNING THE FORKLIFT on the Old Red Truck 1955 or 1956 = REPLIED DON'T Worry we know what we are doing = My Friend did know THE DR. ROOF Business for long time  = DR.ROOFING Business Own by = ASS HOLE Brody Schoffer in moose Jaw , Saskatchewan = My Friend Did Know Them = HE CUT THEIR FATHER'S hair and HIS SONS = All His UNCLES = My FRIEND said to THEM = I HOPE SO = MONDAY my friend don't work on Monday = So My Friend went Down Town in The Monday Morning = after He TALKED to Dr.ROOFING Business = when My Friend came back HE FORGOT TO CHECK HIS Flat ROOF on his Small business = this happen in June = around AUGUST SOMEONE IN THE APARTMENT LIVE ON THE SECOND FLOOR IN THE APARTMENT NEXT TO HIS SMALL BUSINESS =  SHOUTED TO MY FRIEND = DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A HUGE HOLE IN YOUR ROOF = MY FRIEND WAS VERY SURPRISE TO HEAR THIS = HE REPLIED = NO I DID NOT KNOW THIS = Thank you for TELLING ME THIS = When did you NOTICE THE HOLE IN MY ROOF = THE NEIGHBOR said A month ago or More = thank-you again for telling me = my friend when to see if the story was TRUE = he climb on his Ladder and Look = YES = it was A BIG HOLE ON HIS FLAT ROOF ON HIS SMALL BUSINESS = CAUSED BY DR.ROOFING Business own by ( ASS HOLE ) Brody Schoffer in Moose Jaw , Sask ) but my friend can not PROVE this because I Didn't LOOK at HIS FLAT ROOF on his Small BUSINESS on the Monday Morning when I got BACK after I saw DR. Roofing Business Lifting 4 Packages of Shingles with a OLD RED TRUCK FORKLIFT 1955 0r 1956 that monday morning = when he talk with them = So my Friend Could not MAKE DR.ROOF business in moose jaw , saskatchewan to pay for the DAMAGE on his FLAT ROOF on his SMALL BUSINESS = My Friend had to move quick to repair the flat roof on his small business = So Right away My Friend Started to phone FOR ROOFING business to Repair His Flat Roof on his Small  Business = One ROOFING BUSINESS did answer his  call = It Was =  ADVANCE ROOFING BUSINESS in moose jaw , Saskatchwen = The owner of this Advance Roofing Business = said to My Friend = Yes = i can started right now = but you have to put Half payment down = it was 7 thousand dollars down = all together it will cost MY FRIEND 15,000 dollars to repair THE HUGE HOLE on his Flat Roof on HIS SMALL BUSINESS caused by DR.ROOF Business own BY ( ASS HOLE ) Brody Schoffer in Moose Jaw , sask = My Friend agree with the price and got it done = it took 4 days = for = ADVANCE ROOFING business to do the work = REMEMBER THIS ADVANCE  = DID NOT LOOK into  the Huge HOLE to see THE DAMGER DONE on the BOARDS or BEAMS on the FLAT Roof on my Friend Small Business  = My Friend paid ADVANCING ROOFING for THERE REPAIR WORK on his Flat Roof on His Small  Business = Advance Roofing Business only went over THE THE HUGE HOLE around 15 feet long  and 18 feet wide with a new top frame work = right over the hole and on my old roof =about 25 % of the flat roof =  IT SOUND GOOD = but THIS YEAR in June 2024 = My  Friend flat roof fall in were THE HUGE HOLES was on his Flat Roof on his Small Business in Moose Jaw ,Sask . again = BECAUSE ADVANCE ROOFING Buiness DID NOT LOOK in THE HUGE HOLE caused by DR.ROOFING lifting 4 Package of Shingles = using OLD RED TRUCK 1955 or 1956 forklift lifting 4 package of shingles and drop them on my friend flat roof causing huge hole on my friend flat roof on my friend small business 2- 1/2 years ago = so my friend had to  phone for help again = he phone 4 roofing companies = only one show up = this roofing man said = he  will repair your flat roof and repair the big hole = I HAVE REMOVE = ADVANCE ROOFING JOB = because It was Done WRONG = Advance Roofing Did NOT LOOK in THE HUGE HOLE cause by DR. ROOFING Business Own By ( ASS HOLE ) Brody Schoffer in Moose Jaw , saskatchewan 2-1/2 years ago = the new roofing business said to my friend this will COST YOU 22, 000 dollars = half down = my  friend had to do this to repair his FLAT ROOF again on his  SMALL BUSINESS caused by DR.ROOF business own by ( ASS HOLE ) Brody Schoffer in moose jaw , Saskatchewan = The New Roofing Business did THE NEW REPAIR JOB in 4 Days = Now MY FRIEND Flat Roof was Finished and Repair on his  Small Business Building = my friend think IT IS SAD = IT IS WRONG = DR.ROOF Business got OF FREE = THEY DONE THIS DAMAGE TO MY FRIEND FLAT ROOF on his SMALL  BUSINESS when THEY USE MY FRIEND FLAT ROOF to CARRY 4 PACKAGES of SHINGLES USING OLD RED TRUCK 1955 or 1956 FORKLIFT TRUCK = DR.ROOF Business DROP THE 4 PACKAGES OF SHINGES ON MY FRIEND FLAT ROOF and MADE HUGE HOLE IN IT = {{ DR. ROOF Business is Telling EVERYONE HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MY FRIENDS FLAT ROOF= HE DID NOT DAMGER MY FRIEND FLAT ROOF THAT DAY = DR.ROOF Business Own ( ASS HOLE ) Brody Schoffer said = YES = He was working on THE NEIGHBOR ROOF THAT DAY = MY FRIEND KNOW DR . ROOF BUSINESS  own by ( ASS HOLE ) Brody Schoffer in Moose Jaw , Saskatchewan did THE DAMAGE = it had be some thing heavy and drop on my friend flat roof on his small business to make the huge hole  = [[ MY FRIEND SAID I WISH DR . ROOFING BUSINESS GO  BROKE and GO INTO BANKRUPTCY ( Ass Hole ) Brody Schoffer DROP DEAD = ]] My Friend wish = My Friend  wish it will come TRUE SOON =  _|_  _|_  _|_ wish this will come SOON =  {{ SEABORN Insurance in moose jaw , sask .= WILL NOT HELP  PAY FOR MY FRIEND DAMGER ROOF MOOSE  Jaw , sask . in june 2024 = damage DONE BY DR.ROOF OWN BY BRODY SCHOFFER 2-1/2 YEARS AGO on my friends flat roof on his small business =

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/31/2024 5:38 pm)

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7/29/2024 5:18 pm  #317086

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

[[[ see a butterfly ]]] i was down town walking around = i notice a colorful small butterfly was resting on the edge of the side walk = the side walk i was walking on = the butterfly sat there for long to rest  = i walk slowly past the small color butterfly = so when i got home = i when on my computer = and ask = what does mean to see colorful butterfly resting on a side walk = ( to see a butterfly ) means and symbolizes transformation change,  associated with personal growth and development due to their life cycles stage = good omen = message from your guardian angel ((( all good news )) by = joes_skies ( something to think about when you see a butterfly )

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (7/29/2024 5:29 pm)

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7/31/2024 11:16 am  #317087

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

{{{ I do = BELIEVE = 2024 = DRY YEAR = }}} I do = BELIEVE = Early Harvest this YEAR = All across Canada = Alberta = Saskatchewan = Manitoba = B.C = Will THE CROPS BE GOOD = I don't KNOW = THE WEATHER IS VERY HOT ALL ACROSS CANADA = { i feel it WILL BE low QUALITY CROPS IN SASKATCHEWAN = ALBERTA = MANITOBA = ONTARIO = MAYBE THE EAST PART OF CANADA = HAY CROPS WILL BE POOR QUALITY ALL ACROSS CANADA = BY = joes_skies ( very dry some provinces in canada 2024 )  going BE EARLY HARVEST All Across CANADA this year 2024 = Sask = alberta = mantioba= bc = east of canada = 2024 = poor crops = The Farmers and Ranchers don't believe the weather is CHANGING because to much CARBON and Pollution in the air ( atmosphere )  =

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (8/10/2024 3:34 pm)

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7/31/2024 10:06 pm  #317088

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( My friend was = WORRY = true story )) this HAPPEN to my friend today = My friend Cut Men Hair = I went to work at 9:00AM = two customer was waiting for him to opening his Barber Shop = One Senior White Man = Second was Young Metis Man around 6 feet tall with black tattoos on his face = on neck = and on his arms = and on his hands = weight around 200 pounds = with lots of tattoos = his hands and fingers had blood on them = he the first to talk with the my friend the barber = the metis man ask him = would you my hair = the barber man replied = you have wait 10 minutes = because i have cut this old senior hair first = the metis answer = back okay can i wait inside = the barber man answer back = yes= just come in and wait your turn = the barber man open the door to the his barber shop = two customers walk in = senior went to the barber chair = the metis man went and sat on one of the waiting chairs in the barber shop = will the barber man was cutting the senior hair = the metis start to talk to the barber man = the metis man said to him to know my father = metis gave his father name = the barber man answer back = i really don't think i know him = the metis man replied = yes = you do know him = he came for haircuts many times to your shop = the barber man answer = back maybe i did = but i never ask for names = the metis said you know he play music and play for band = no = the barber man answer back = the barber man still cutting the old senior hair = the metis man shout to the senior man who getting a haircut = the metis man said = do you know my father = his name is = the senior man no = i do not know your father = the metis man replied = everyone one  know my father = old senior man said sorry i do not know him = the metis getting little mad = the barber man was worry = what to do = then the metis said do you know what i do = the barber man replied back = no = the metis man said quickly = i kill people = i kill two people = i was in jail for killing them = the metis man look hard at the barber man and serior man = the barber man didn't know how to answer it = the barber man said nothing = again the metis man started hitting one fist into his opening hand = fast and fast = and keep on saying i like to  kill people = what do you think about that barber man = the barber man was thinking = how to answer it right = with out getting the metis man mad = the barber man said slowly = we all have hobbies =  the metis man replied = back quickly = this is not my hobbies = it is  my busy to kill = what do you think about this baber man = again the barber man was thinking very slowly = how to answer it right = with out getting the big metis man mad = the barber man replied slowly = we all have work = the metis = answer quickly back = and start to laugh = it was a deep laugh  = haunting laugh = the metis man stop laughing = the metis man said = do you like me = do you love me = the barber man didn't know to answer this one = so barber man =  started to talk to the senior man in the barber chair = trying very hard to finished the senior man haircut = again the metis man talk little louder = do you like me = do you love me = the barber man thinking i have thinking quickly and gave the right answer to the big metis man = the barber man said everyone like you = the metis man answer very loud = do you love me = the barber man replied everyone love you = the metis man start to laugh loud = yes = yes = they everyone love me = at last barber man finished cutting the old senior hair = senior got off the barber chair = paid the barber man and walk out = the barber man was worry = he was all by himself with this big metis who was high on street drugs = the barber man was very worry = my friend barber man try not to show it = the barber man said = to the metis man = before i cut your cut = do you have money for the haircut = the metis man said = no = the barber man replied back = no money = no haircut = the metis man answer back very quickly = i want hair cut = the barber man said = no money = no haircut = i do have some one coming for a haircut in 10 minutes = this person made appointment = the metis said = again = i want a haircut = the barber man = i will cut your hair = if you have money = the metis man said = father said you are good barber = that nice your father like my haircuts = i will cut your hair if you have money = the big metis man stood up and walk and sat down in the  barber man barber chair = = the barber man didn't know what to do = the metis man put his hand in his pocket = and brought his money = and gave the money to the barber man = is this enough for a haircut = yes = the barber man replied very quickly = the barber man place the hair cape on the the metis man = the barber man ask = what kind of a haircut you want short haircut  or long haircut = the metis man said make me look good = i leave it up to you = the barber man replied quickly = i want you to tell me = do want it short or long = the metis man said quickly = short = about half inch on the sides and two inches on the top = okay = the barber man answer back quickly = my friend the barber man started to cut the big metis man hair = the metis man keep on saying make me  look nice = make  me look  nice = the barber man was worry = the barber man thinking i hope the other customer come early = the barber man kept on cutting the big metis man hair = quickly = the metis man had long hair to remove from his head = slowly was coming off the big metis man head = the metis man started hitting his fist into his open hand = the big metis man said loud = do you know what do for living = the barber man did not answer back = the big metis man said loud = i kill people = i kill people = we all have die = the barber man was really worry = the barber man have say something = what = what = to say back to him = the barber man replied = slowly = we all have die some time = we all can not live for every = we have to make room for the young people on earth = death is very important = the big metis man laugh and laugh = yes = yes = you are right = he laugh some more = My friend The  Barber trying to finished The Big Metis Man hair as quickly as he can = The Big Metis stop laughing = Again The Big Metis Man said = I killed two People i was in jail for killing them = What do you think about this = My friend The Barber was trying to think how to answer it = with out getting the Big Metis Man Mad = My Friend Barber said = your hair cut is finished = i do hope you like your haircut ? The Big Metis Man looked in the mirror and ask his girl friend = Do you Like My Haircut = baby = Yes His Girl Friend answer very quickly = yes = dad said = you are a good barber = now I want My Beard Trim = My Barber Friend Replied very quickly = Do you have money to pay for a beard trim = The Big Metis Man answer = very quickl = No = but i want my beard trimmed = No I can Do this I have A customer coming soon = He had a appointment he should be here soon = My Barber Friend wish his Senior Customer will Come early = Maybe the Big Metis Man might Leave with out trouble = Big Metis said it again = i want my beard trim = Same time The Barber Shop Door was opening Slowly = My Senior Customer did come Early = The Big Metis Look around and Saw The Senior walking in with two walking Canes = The Big Metis said = you  = can not my cut my beard your customer just came in = yes = my barber friend said very quickly = sorry = you can come back later around 4:00PM today = if want to = No = big Metis Man got off the barber chair after the barber removed the hair cape = and replied I might do that the Big Metis said = and Big Metis turn to his girl friend and said i'm ready to go = the big metis man look at the barber man = and said i like your haircut = dad was right your are good barber = My Friend Barber replied and said = thank-you for coming = good- bye = The Big Metis Man and His Girl Friend went out the barber shop door = Old Senior Man said to the Barber Man = The Big Metis really scare me = yes he really put fear into me to = thank-god everything came out good =  my friend barber said = i was worried until you came in = my barber man said to the old senior = thank-god you came early = by = joes_skies

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (8/18/2024 5:47 pm)

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8/02/2024 6:21 pm  #317089

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( PEOPLE = should not watch NEWS )) Two weeks i was watching news on internet = Every time i saw THE NEWS = I felt Depress = More I was watching NEWS each day = I got more DEPRESS = because WE CAN NOT DO ANY THING IT ABOUT = what GOING IN EACH COUNTRY or in OUR  COUNTRY = BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENTS is causing this TROUBLE in each COUNTRIES = trouble  is caused by THERE OWN GOVERNMENTS = GOVERNMENT caused TROUBLE = GOVERNMENT CAUSED = HATE =  GOVERNMENT caused WARS = GOVERNMENT caused inflation = labor going down = services going up = raw material going up = factors cutting labor = INFLATION is cause by the government = now small people low income = poor people has to pay for it = they are the ones will suffer the most = government don't suffer = low - income = poor = street people = SUFFER = like the WARS THE GOVERNMENT CREATED = who PAY for the WARS = Poor PEOPLE =Low Income People = Young PEOPLE = because THEY HAVE FIGHT IN THE WARS = for WHAT = government always use the word for FREEDOM = ( FREEDOM is WORK and MONEY = THE GOVERNMENT CREATED this MASS = ( watching NEWS = WATCHING NEWS every day = Will get you very DEPRESS = so STOP WATCHING NEWS = put it in YOUR MINE = I CAN NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT = what is going ON THIS WORLD or WHAT GOING ON EACH COUNTRIES = The all the GOVERNMENT DOING THIS = THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO STOP IT = government has think more ABOUT THE PEOPLE = ENVIRONMENT = WATER = AIR = JOBS = BY = joes_skies ( STOP WATCHING THE NEWS )

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (8/02/2024 6:41 pm)

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8/03/2024 10:22 am  #317090

Re: Welcome to Boardhost!

(( Poor PEOPLE )) i notice POOR PEOPLE really help each other in any NEEDS = RICH PEOPLE or WEALTHY PEOPLE will do this = HELP EACH OTHER = Poor people might not have money = put they would share there money to the poor friends = poor people might not have to much food in the house = put they would the food to there poor friend if they came over to ask for food or drinks = poor people drive each other around with asking for money = poor people would share clothes to the poor friends or any poor person = they would go and visit each other day and day or night = fight = swear at each other and called each other dirty names = and Cry = lots crying mostly women =  and still come back to visit = ( i wonder like that ) = poor people let there poor person or any poor person stay or sleep over any time =if don't have room or not = they let then stay over = most of them have small suites = it could very small = mostly poor people don't have big suites = but they still taking in lots of poor people to sleep over = they there cigarettes or drugs or liquor = marijuana = hemp to gave to each other = if they don't have to much = they still share = poor people would help with your children or old poor people = they would talk and help mental ill people = and take them in = if they need help = in short help =  but they do HELP each other = Poor Don't Pay You Back = If They borrow from you = WEALTHY PEOPLE OR RICH PEOPLE WOULD NEVER DO THIS = THEY ARE TO BUSY BUYING THINGS = OR TRAVELING = OR PUTTING NO BIG PARTIES = THEY WOULD NOT SHARE THINGS =IF THEY DO ANYTHING = THEY  WOULD ASK FOR MONEY = this what i see next to me = {{{ POOR PEOPLE }}} THEY gave and THEY Don't Have LOTS = Put THEY STILL GAVE OUT = what they have = they really  do help each other lots more = BY =  joes_skies  ( they live in tight kind caring Circle ) = ( CIRCLE is Very HARD to get OUT from )  plus they are very religious = MORE THEN THE RICH PEOPLE or WEALTHY PEOPLE = They go the church to show OFF and IT IS - IN THING TO DO  ) == {{ my friend own small business doing men hair = he told me 80% poor people or welfare people always leave a TIP = but = 90% of wealthy people do not tip him = {{ Poor people = The welfare People = Street People =  to do Steal from each other all the TIME  = HAVE sex with their Friends and wife or husband for boy friends or girl friends ] sex with anything = plus they lie and lie to each other = but they stay friends ( why ?) = [[ funny Circle O to be ]] hard to get out {{{ they all waiting to get THERE PENSION = then they PLAY BIG = ((( They sleep half day  in day light = talk and laugh or cry all night = make lots noise all night = play loud music = if these people are your neighbor )))

Last edited by jo-joes_skies (8/05/2024 12:26 am)

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