[[[ ukraine = can not = win ]]] ukraine war with russia = ukraine can not WIN = So why the HELL = Keep on fighting with Russia = ukraine country is GET smaller = russia is TAKEN almost 30 % of Ukraine in The East PART of ukraine = Longer THE WAR is going ON = Smaller and Smaller UKRAINE is getting = ukraine is running low with 20 years old = 30 years = 40 years old male and female soldiers = the population of ukraiine is getting less = i heard million of ukraine moved out = to other countries = no power = power station is out = water supplies is stop = no person is working = only one is working is fire men = police men = doctors = nurses = people who help to clean the mass of destruction from = missiles act = drones act = bombs act = people who pick up the dead and injury people = churches with funeral = funeral homes = people bring food and water to the people each day = business is stop = no import business going out = ukraine going into deeper bankruptcy each day = yes = other countries is helping = given ukraine money for war weapons = given ukraine super war weapon = but the countries are not given soldiers = or any kind military services to help to ukraine = ukraine is fighting to war all my them self = each european countries is using ukraine to keep them safe from russia attacking them = longer the fight with russia = smaller ukraine is getting = ukraine will be running out of 20 years old men = all the 30 to 45 years old men and women = no time to put crops in = children living in fear each day and night = less food to eat = no heat = no clean water to drink = no one taken baths = no one changing their clothes each day = living in fear = buried their loving one = friends = relatives each day = watching = building = homes = business being destroyed by missiles = by drones = by bombs each day and each night = no sleep = just fear = and destruction day and night = air is polluted = soil is polluted = water is polluted = for WHAT = YOU CAN NOT = WIN = SO WHY THE HELL = KEEP ON FIGHTING = YOU NEVER WIN = UKRAINE SHOULD A NEVER FIGHT BACK WITH RUSSIA = THEY LOST THIS WAR = THEY LOST THEIR YOUNG PEOPLE = THEY LOST BUSINESS = UKRAINE DEEP BANKRUPTCY = THEY HAVE TO PAY BACK BILLION OF DOLLARS TO EVERY COUNTRY = WHO HELP THEM = SOIL IS POLLUTED = AIR IS POLLUTED FROM THE WAR IN UKRAINE = BY = jos_skies = { end THIS WAR QUICKLY = Save YOUR COUNTRY = SAVE YOUR PEOPLE = SAVE YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE = SAVE UKRAINE = }
{{{{ YEARLY = Report = }}}} I believe THE FEDREAL GOVERNMENT in Canada and Province Government should send OUT = YEARLY REPORT = How they SPENT= THE MONEY = Each YEAR = ON WHAT = I think this would Explain LOTS TO THE CANADIAN PEOPLE = and WOULD SHOW CANADIAN PEOPLE WERE THE MONEY IS GOING TO EACH YEAR = IT WOULD SHOW = US = HOW MUCH IT COST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and THE PROVINCE GOVERNMENT to run CANADA and EACH PROVINCE IN ONE YEAR ={ this would = HELP = US if THEY NEED OR WANT MORE MONEY NEXT YEAR IN TAXES = When they BRING TAX UP FOR THE NEXT COMING YEAR = }} EACH GOVERNMENT SHOULD THINK ABOUT THIS = because EVERY BUSINESS GAVE OUT yearly report TO THERE customers = [[[ why DON'T the ferderal government AND province government do the same thing [[ YEARLY REPORT ]] HOW THEY spend OUR money = on what each year = by = joes_skies {{ something to think about }}} if they don't want to gave US YEARLY REPORT WHAT THEY ARE DOING WITH OUR MONEY = [[[ YOU KNOW THEY ARE HIDDEN SOMETHING ]]]
{{{ I do believe = President Donald ( DUCK ) trump }}} I do Believe president donald ( DUCK ) trump = will get a BIG SURPRISE = one day = Lots Of People don't LIKE his Ideals how he running his GOVERNMENT = He Step on LOTS OF DECENT PEOPLE = who came to USA = to improve and life a Better Life = [ he think = he is = A GOD = pointing FINGERS = you have to go = he will = point the wrong finger = on the wrong group of people = by = joes_skies