[[[ true story = funny = ]]] every year i always check my roof early spring time = and early fall time = for three years i could not left up the 24 feet extension ladder any more = it was harder for me to left it up = i had hire someone to go and check my roof for three years = i thought i was getting to old and arms are getting weaker and my legs = today what happen = i hired some one go to check the snow on my roof = the person i hired = he could not use = the 24 feet extension ladder out side = because it had to much snow on it = and it was frozen in the snow = so i told = the hire man = you can go down the basement and take 24 feet extension ladder in the basement = and you can use it = i have 24 feet aluminum extension ladder = down the basement = so i went with him to carry it up from the basement = it was very light = i could carry it up all by myself = with out help = now i know = why i could not use or lift to 24 feet extension ladder = outside = because it is very heavy and made from different material [metal ] and not = made = from aluminum extension ladder down the basement = so i learned something = took me three years to found this out = now i could check my own roof = if want to = with out hiring someone to do it for me = i had to use aluminum extension ladder down the basement all the time = i can not use extension ladder outside any more = it is to heavy for me = to lift it up to the roof = to check my roof = [ i did learn something to day = ] i very happy i did = found this out = by = joes_skies ( i thought i was getting old and weak )
Last edited by jo-joes_skies (Yesterday 5:57 pm)
((( Ukraine Leader = acting = LIKE = CLOWN = right now = Ukraine leader was on =THE NEWS = Feb 24 = 2025 = Ukraine Leader said { if prsident donald { DUCK } trump = will = HAVE TO BRING in Military Troops to {{{ PROTECT UKRAINE }}} HE = WILL = MAKE A DEAL = WITH = UKRAINE MINERALS = with USA = FOR = PROTECTION = {{{ WHAT = NUT = Ukraine PEOPLE BETTER = AWAKE = UP = BEFORE = UKRAINE LEADER = GAVE EVERYTHING = FOR = PEACE = WITH = RUSSIA = {{{ president donald { DUCK } trump = Will Never FIGHT = RUSSIA = So How = THE HELL = WOULD = AMERICAN SEND = Military Troops = TO PROTECT = UKRAINE from RUSSIA = [ Later on RUSSIA want to cause Another WAR WITH UKRAINE = YOU THINK AMERICA WILL SEND = MILITARY TROOPS SHOOT TO BACK = ON RUSSIA MILITARY TROOPS = you are LIVING IN [ imagination WORLD ] AMERICAN DON'T WANT = third World War ] no one want = THIRD WORLD WAR = Ukraine LEADER = should back = TO = THE = COMEDY STAGE = again = So far he NOT FUNNY = Ukraine Leader = LOST = 20% of EAST side to russia = from the = 3 YEAR war = now he is given ALL UKRAINE MINERAL RIGHTS to USA = for = PROTECTION = ukraine will have NO MONEY COMING END = to repair UKRAINE = To Pay back all The COUNTRIES = who = support = him for three years fighting = RUSSIA = [ I DO BELIEVE = UKRAINE LEADER HAS TO GO = HE HAS PICK A NEW LEADER FOR UKRAINE = RUSSIA WILL NEVER = MAKE = A DEAL = WITH = UKRAINE LEADER = [[[ UKRAINE LEADER HAS = ASK EU = ALL = EUROPEAN COUNTRIES = TO = HELP = UKRAINE =TO MAKE = PEACE = WITH = RUSSIA = VERY [[[ QUICKLY ]]] RUSSIA = WILL = BOMBING THEM = WITH DRONES = MISSILES = AND = BOMBS [[[ UNTIL THERE IS = NO = UKRAINE = LEFT = BECAUSE [[[ NO ONE WILL = STOP = RUSSIA = [[[ NO = ONE = WANTS = THIRD WORLD WAR = EU AND EUROPEANS DON'T WANT = WANT = THIRD WORLD WAR = USA = DON'T WANT A THIRD WORLD WAR [[[ UKRAINE LEADER AND UKRAINE PEOPLE = HAS = TAKE = WHAT = EVER = DEAL = RUSSIA = WANTS = [[[ AMERICA WILL NOT = HELP = YOU =OR = PROTECT = YOU = FROM = RUSSIA [[[ THINK = MORE = SUPPORT = FROM = EU = EUROPEAN COUNTRIES = FROM = CANADA = AUSTRALIA {{{ Remember = this = Russian leader ( putin = is = Very friendly with = USA = president donald ( DUCK ) trump ( the = DEAL = to End = THE WAR = With = Ukraine and Russia ( who will = BENEFIT = FROM THIS WAR = WHEN = IT = ENDS = WILL BE RUSSIA = GOT 20% EAST OF UKRAINE AND USA GOT = ALL THE MINERAL RIGHTS FROM UKRAINE = )
Last edited by jo-joes_skies (Today 6:57 pm)
{{{ USE = Face Cloth = for = PAIN and SWELLING }}} i had lots ot TROUBLE with my Right Kneel and around My Ankle = they were SWELLING with LOTS OF PAIN = { i do hate to see any Doctor } i soak = face cloth = with = warm water = and = put in the FREEZER = The Face Cloth = got cold = and = FROZEN = i took = the = frozen face cloth out = and = i sat sat = down = wrap the frozen face cloth all around my knee for = one hour = and = i wrap the frozen face cloth around = my swelling and painful ankle = 15 minute only - i keep doing this ever hour = i see it was getting = better = each = time = i used = the frozen face cloth on my swelling knee and painful kneel and my swelling ankle and painful ankle = [ you still have to put = pain cream on them = or = pain = pills [[[ try this ]]] do this = until = you = get = better = by = joes_skies